I finally remembered to shoot the bottom of my salvaged boards. Here's one from the 1.5" boards:
Here's one from the 2.25" boards
Also on the 2.25" boards is stamped "BRADLEY OAK FLG WARREN ARK F MA"
The Bruce Company is still in business, but I've never heard of Bradley floors.
I also left a message of my own. It should have been on the subfloor rather than the rosin paper, but oh well:
And a picture when I finished:
I have some 2.25 left over and plenty of 1.5 to do the closets. With luck I'll get it all installed and stripped of the old finish before spring break and stain and varnish then.
On Saturday Pete came over and we trimmed out the bathroom window. We put the stool and apron in first:
Then did the casing around it:
My neighbor, Carl, the retired head of the University Library School, has said he would mill the backband for the windows and doors in the bathroom. I spent an enjoyable Saturday afternoon going down to his woodshop which became a great music jam with Carl on accordion, his friend John on guitar and myself on banjo.
Do your existing windows have a back band on the window trim? If so, that's pretty unusual for craftsman trim.
Yes, every piece of trim (windows, doors, builtins, etc.) has backband on it. It is a very simple piece of square stock with a small routed lip to fit over the edge of the casing. This backband is exactly like what we had on our previous A&C house too, and now that I think about it, is found in every bungalow I've been in here in Iowa City. I don't have a good close up picture right now, but you can sort of see it on the top and sides in this picture of our built in corner cupboard:
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