But that didn't deter either child from spending the nearly the entire day in the pool yesterday. With a high of only 79 it was none too warm. Here was the patio base on Saturday morning before we started setting up the pool:
Here it is this morning, I forgot to get pictures yesterday.
Besides our kids there were a bunch more in the water yesterday too. My softball team had a 5:00 game at the nearby Hawkeye diamond so everyone came for a picnic afterward. Our coed rec team plays in the "D League" only because they don't have an "F League." The team is made up mostly of school district administrators and tech staff along with spouses and adult children (we are the oldest team in the league) So we had Callahan kids, and Keller kids getting wet too. Also Sam, who is one of our players, and a college student at UNI, brought her suit and got mobbed by the kids. Sam's parents both play for us too.
I'm guessing that my carrying 3.5 tons of limestone last week had some positive transfer in our game last night. At my age I am resigned to being a singles hitter and not much more. Last night I put two over the outfielder's heads for a triple and an in-the-park home run. (The fences are ridulously deep, so if you get it over the outfielders you are nearly guaranteed a triple. I don't think I want to keep my wieght training up all summer. Since the patio is finished I'll be back under the eaves today scraping and sanding.
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