Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Some Trim Cuts I CAN do successfully!

In my last post I neglected to mention or display the trim cuts I can do successfully. Here is the new bump out before I started trimming it:

The baseboard was left over from when I did the upstairs 3 years ago, I had stashed two pieces away in the office closet. Here is the exterior miter:

The piece behind the room door to the right fit nicely, however on the closet door side, There was only 1/2 an inch between the wall and the backband, so I had to mark a line, saw down 1/4 of an inch, then chisel out so the baseboard would fit snugly to the wall:

And here it is in place:

The base shoe was saved from when we had to work on the dining room wall.

I hit the edge of the baseboard miter with a little stain and it looks great.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Looks great. One day I too will learn mitered cuts.