Now for those that are a little underwhelmed by this you must know that the old ceiling was quite bad and I resorted to drywalling over it. Here is a shot with a little bit of context:
We started on this bathroom way back last spring, but haven't done anything until the last two weeks. Longtime readers (all three of you) may even remember all this but here's a quick recap:
May 2006
July 2006
So two weeks ago I got 1x8 boards and Pete and I put them down for our baseboard
I spent the last week heat gunning the old paint off the casing for the door, cupboard, medicine cabinet and laundary chute. After that I painted the ceiling as noted above.
On Sunday Pete and I started installing pine wainscoting to cover the badly cracked fake tile plaster.
We worked together for about 2 hours and got the short laundary chute wall and the long wall with the medicine cabinet finished
After Pete left I started on the window wall and got it started. I probably could have finished it Sunday night but I went with my neighbor Mike downtown to hear Illinois senator Barak Obama speak at a Democratic rally.
I came home from work Monday night and finished the window wall
Then I went back and put 1/2 inch base shoe on top of the baseboard and put 3/4 inch quarter round at the bottom of the the base.
I then went down and brought up the primer so I could put that on the wall where the plumbing is, my thought is the sooner I can him back to install the toilet and sink.
I finished about midnight last night
Looks wonderful! I'm a few months behind you in working on my bathroom, so your posts are very helpful :-) Any advice on stripping paint around the mirror in a medicine cabinet w/o breaking it?
Hey Stucco,
I will use a chemical stripper to go around the mirror itself. I haven't pulled the door yet to do that. Any time I was near the mirror I switched my heat gun to low and made sure the air stream was going away from the glass! I hope that helps.
Very nice!
I've been lurking and anxiously following your progress since the beginning. I never get around to telling you, but you are doing an amazing job! Foxcroft will be a masterpiece when you're done. The original owner would be so proud of what you've accomplished. Keep going!
Thanks, Christina, one always wonders who really is reading this, and what do they think. I always appreciate kind words, and do work hard to try to make our changes in line with Bess' standards!
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