Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dirty Pool

I really was not planning to start yesterday, honestly! I had plenty of other outside projects that needed my attention;

  • burn winter deadfall
  • move walk planks into garage
  • make a splash block for southwest corner where water overflows the gutter
  • fence up the peas
  • drag brush to ravine

You get the idea. Well I actually completed those, and with an imminent deadline for a 15 page paper staring me in the face (I'm taking a grad class this semester) it took only the gentlest of nods from Lisa "Maybe we should get rid of some of the junk near where the old pool is?" to get me started.

I thought I'd just see what is still there, so at 3:30 in the afternoon I started to dig to see if I could find the outline. You can see the cement wall in that shot

After I dug a little more it looked as though the wall was intact

I was under the impression that the walls had been pulled down when the pool was filled in. I had to have a place to put the dirt as I was taking it out. Fortunately 2 weeks ago I built an enclosure at the end of the garden for potatoes. Lisa cut our seed potatoes and spread them out in the potato enclosure, I ended up dumping 10 wheelbarrow loads of dirt on top of them.

After supper I dug down to see if I could find bottom. by checking with the original picture I knew I had found the perimeter of the bottom smaller end.

I don't have any additional pictures right now, but I could now almost sit down where Helen is in the picture above.

The additional 5 wheelbarrow loads of dirt went to other spots in the garden and the compost pile. I'm guessing it will take at least 50 more wheelbarrow loads to excavate the pool.

BEST NEWS: Since the dirt gets WETTER the farther down I dig I'm certain that the bottom was not broken out either. The below ground portion looks to have been painted green.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's cool. Looking forward to seeing more photos...

Jennifer said...

Very cool. I hope it's in decent condition!